Call for Abstract
(2025 International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease)
-日期: 2025年5月2日 ( Date : 02-May-2025)
-時間: 8:30 am -17:00 pm (Time: 8:30 am~17:00 pm )
-地點: 高雄醫學大學 勵學大樓-視聽中心 (Location : Audiovisual center, Li-Hsueh Building, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan)
-壁報競賽相關訊息 (Details of the Poster Competition)
1.論文摘要收件時間 (Abstract Submission Deadline) : 即日起開始收件,截止日期為2025年03月28日 (星期五) 中午12點止 (Submissions are open from today until 12:00 PM (noon) on Thursday, March 28, 2025)
2. 論文摘要格式 (Abstract Formatting Guidelines)
(1)摘要需包含:題目,作者,單位和內容 (The abstract must include: title, authors,
affiliations, and content)
(2)摘要內容需包含:前言、研究方法、結果與結論(content must include: Introduction,
Research methods, Results, and Conclusions).
(3) 摘要投稿範例: (Abstract submission example)
3. 優等論文獎金(Award for Outstanding Posters)
前三名有獎金獎勵 (The top three winners will receive a cash prize)
第一名:NT$ 6,000 元
第二名:NT$ 3,000 元
第三名:NT$ 2,000 元
4. 論文摘要投稿信箱(Abstract Submission Email Address)
研討會相關訊息請參閱 (For further information about the conference, please refer to):
聯絡人(Contact):熱帶醫學暨傳染病研究中心趙小姐 ( Dr. Chao 07-3121101 #2331/ email: